Arshita is an academic and a researcher. She is passionate about conflict studies, critical theory and the inter-relations between art and resistance. She has recently completed her Masters in Peace and Conflict studies from the University of Kent and University of Marburg and her thesis topic was; “The Individuation of Non-Violent Resistance in Palestine and Israel – A Theoretical Exploration of the Existence and Potentials of Combatants for Peace” . She has previously gained some expertise in education and women studies.
At Books2Africa, Arshita has been a volunteer and a representative. She contributes to different aspects of the organisation, such as submitting grant applications, participating at fundraising events and representing Books2Africa at international forums and events. Arshita was one of two ambassadors, who represented Books2Africa at the UN-ECOSOC High Level Committee meeting in New York, where they shared the stage with several prominent NGOs to talk about the environmental and social impact of the charity.
Arshita is currently a Doctoral candidate and a Graduate teaching Assistant at the University of Kent. Her field of research is post-colonial conflict analysis. She focuses on South Asian conflicts and attempts to look at resistance movements as tools for understanding conflict transformation.
Arshita is also an expert in binge watching TV series 🙂