Study for free or contribute from ₦1,000 to take any book in stock at our Nigeria Distribution Centre

How We Work

Books2Africa Nigeria a registered social enterprise in Nigeria (RC number 1246336) that is committed to improving the quality of education in Nigeria, in partnership with Books2Africa UK. The charity’s mission is to improve the quality of education in Africa in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 4, by increasing access to quality books and educational resources for all academic levels. The Nigeria Distribution Centre in Jos, Plateau State, is a 1 million book capacity facility that serves as a learning and distribution hub where individuals, institutions and communities in Nigeria can access and use thousands of books across a variety of academic levels free of charge, as well as having the option to acquire any book with a contribution of a flat and affordable distribution fee of per book to fund our distribution costs.

Our Terms of Service

Read books at our Distribution Centre free of charge or contribute a flat distribution fee per book to acquire any book in stock.

Read for free

With thousands of books in stock for all ages, our Africa Distribution Centres are the perfect place to get lost in a book. We also partner with local organisations to run book and reading clubs for all ages to help improve literacy within local communities. Contact the Distribution Centre in your country to learn more and start your reading adventure!

Give from ₦1,000 for any book

To take a book away, we require beneficiaries to contribute a distribution fee of ₦1,000 per book for basic categories or ₦2,000 per book for tertiary and reference categories to help with the overhead costs of our Distribution Centres (warehousing, staff, etc). The fee is not a purchase price as the books are not for sale and are worth much more. We do not provide books to be sold or to book sellers.

Send Photos and Reports

We require beneficiaries to open a free Books2Africa Account online or in person using their email address before they are eligible to read or take books away from our distribution centres. We also require you to take an Impact Photo holding one of the books you receive, and every book labelled with a yellow impact sticker to be sent to the donor of the book.

Types of Books We Donate

You can request a donation of books across our 22 categories for all ages and subjects, from nursery school to university level. Our books are a mixture of new and used conditions, published mainly in English, with a special French Collection category for books published in French. All our books are thoroughly checked to meet quality standards before they are shipped to Nigeria. 

Start Your Next Reading Adventure

You can visit our office in Jos or request a shipment of books online.

Visit our Nigeria Distribution Centre


Request Books Online

If you are unable to visit our distribution centre in Jos, you can request books online via our Book Request Application Form and pay for the distribution fee and a delivery fee to your state within Nigeria. 

Online Textbooks via Perlego

Volunteer in Nigeria

Our volunteers, interns and NYSC corps staff work as Distribution Support Officers and help with a variety of tasks, including admin, picking, scanning, and packing. Approved volunteers also receive a stipend to cover lunch and transport expenses.

How to find us