Comboni College of Science and Technology, Sudan, June 2022

Computer Science and Information Technology are rapid changing academic fields which demand constant update. These books are fundamental for our students and lecturers to have access to the last information on these fields. As for Nursing, the books sent by Books2Africa are the beginning of the new section of the library that will help to train nurses for a country extremely in need.
Comboni College of Science and Technology, Sudan, January 2022

We have a 45% of refugee students from South Sudan and Eritrea that they just find access to higher education through us. They live in the outskirts of the metropolitan area of Khartoum. The empowerment of these refugee students has a wonderful impact on the communities where they live in Khartoum in terms of job creation and in their original communities in terms of development for those who go back.
Comboni College of Science and Technology, Sudan, February 2021.

The unexpected output created by the new books has to do with the 7,000 members of the Sudanese Nursing leadership Initiatives. We had the visit of their leaders with whom we wish to collaborate to raise the dignity of nurses in Sudan as we start our nursing project next December. They were amazed with the category of the books of nursing as they find very old fashioned volumes in other Sudanese universities. Our collaboration with them will make those books accessible to the members of this Initiative even if they do not study at the College.