“I cherish my books the way I do my siblings”:  Mangs’ Story

Interview by

Ben Yardley


9 November 2023

What is your name?


Where do you live?

Jos Plateau, Nigeria

How did you find out about Books2Africa?

I bought novels from their bookshop.

What is your favourite book which you have received from Books2Africa?

My answer is actually a three in one. The first is titled Touching the Sky by Susan Madison, then I Like It Like That by Claire Calman and then A Catch of Consequence by Diana Norman.

Why did you choose this book? What did you enjoy about it and what have you learned from it?

I learned a lot from the first novel. It taught me that communication matters a lot in every relationship. The second was about family. I particularly enjoyed the second book because the author portrayed family bonds and their importance.

What is your favourite reading spot and why?

I can read practically anywhere, depending on how intriguing the book is.

What kind of a difference does receiving books from Books2Africa make to your work or studies?

I learn a lot of lessons from books, and reading improves and builds my vocabulary. Before I was always borrowing books, but after I found out about Books2Africa I knew I had found a reliable source that I could get books from. It made it a lot easier for me.

What do you plan to do with your books after you finish reading them?

They are mostly borrowed but I make sure I get them back. I cherish my books the way I do my siblings.

What are the biggest challenges facing education in your town, region or country?

Learning Materials that will facilitate adequate learning are often not provided and if they are, they are not good enough.

Do you think that Africans should only read books by African authors?

No, I think we Africans should be open to other ideas and not put all eggs in one basket, in as much as we read different books from different authors. We should not forget our roots.

We want to hear from you! Do you have a story to tell? Whether you’re a supporter, recipient or just somebody who loves to read, get in touch with our Impact Team at [email protected]

Books2Africa’s impact is achieved thanks to the generous support of our donors, sponsors and partners. Putting a book in the hands of a child in Africa puts a smile on their face, knowledge in their mind and hope for a brighter future in their soul. It’s the least expensive but most important gift you could ever give. 

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