Sadza Secondary School Reading Project, Zimbabwe
The classroom environment which used to have pockets of noise-makers is now quiet. The learners are always quiet reading books for knowledge and pleasure. Unnecessary movement in the classroom is now a thing of the past and we no longer have bullies. The availability of the books has changed the classroom environment for the better hence beating the adage: “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.”
The Children’s Voice Book Drive, Zimbabwe
Our team worked diligently to have a colourful handover event. It was held at Umguza Primary School which was one of the receiving schools. Other people present were the children, parents, teachers of the Umguza Primary School and that of the other receiving schools. Ministry of Education officials were also present. The children presented some poems, drama and songs thanking Books To Africa and our organisation for the support. Your donation of books will certainly go a long way in helping the children in our rural schools of Zimbabwe learn and love reading.