“Let the Journey, Belated, Begin”

Written by

Hilary Rouse-Amadi


4 March 2020

Let the Journey, Belated, Begin

For Olena, Marina, Alison.

If the Czar of Russia has his way,

Tomorrow, the Defiant-Besieged

Will doubtless include You and Me.

Now is the time to offer helping hands

To our courageous Ukrainian friends

Because NOT to engage with their plight

Would reduce us to passive pawns,

In a deluded dictator’s war games,

Trapped in the expanding insanity

Of his imperialist fantasies.

Shell-shocked, confused, we demand to know

Why this political pandemic

Has been left unattended, allowed to grow,

Voracious greed consuming our élite,

Self-enriching at breakneck speed,

The Common People corralled in ignorance,

Disinformation-deceived, struggling

To survive on a rich-poor-ravaged land;

And as we refuse a part complicit

In war games on bloodied Ukrainian soil,

We must look again, with enlightened eyes,

At the history of last century’s

World War traumas, conflagrations,

Determined to forestall the impending

Apocalypse of nuclear holocaust.

We must rescue our Wounded Humanity

From the cesspit of corrupt rivalries;

And with our Ukrainian Sisters and Brothers

Strive to give Peace a chance, while Time still allows,

Providing relief to those in dire need,

The first step, along the journey ahead,

In the Knowledge incontrovertible,

That Disaster Capitalism

Will lead to Extinction, Disintegration.

Let us recover our Common Humanity

From the stranglehold of barbaric agendas,

This the only gift worth giving

To the dispossessed, traumatised children

Of a raped planet, imprisoned in crises.

Let the journey, belated, begin,

So that sunshine smiles replace the frowns

On frozen-young faces, locked in fear.

Let this be the priority, challenging

Us to implement restorative justice,

As we turn our backs on toxic nationalisms,

And competing imperialist disruptions,

Acknowledging the interconnections

That bind us together as global citizens.

© Hilary Rouse-Amadi

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