The relationship between education and poverty eradication.
For a long time, sociologists have wondered whether lack of education is caused by poverty or poverty is caused by lack of education. The debate has been dragging on. In recent years, a consensus has been emerging- education and poverty are linked inextricably.
The Aten of Ganawuri by Gérald Berthoud – Book Review
The book is an anthropological and sociological study of the Aten people as they were in that period, but a historical perspective is provided by the inclusion of colonial material (pre-1960) and reflections on the way the traditions he describes have weakened or disappeared in more recent times.
Can education actually change society? Lessons from Apartheid
Education can initiate social changes by bringing about a change in the outlook and attitude of people. It can bring about a change in the pattern of social relationships and institutions and thereby it may cause social change.
Book Swap – How to get your customers reading
Many businesses often have customers waiting – in a queue, a reception or a waiting room or an area with chairs. In those precious minutes, or even hours of waiting, you could get your visitors reading actual books rather than outdated magazines!
Prince Ikeru
Langa Mpofu
“Scenes of Beauty Recollected”
Context: The Dane John Gardens, Canterbury. Summer and Autumn, 2021
My experience volunteering at Books2Africa – Rachel Allen
It has been inspiring to see how the organisation never fails to bring the creative energy out of each and every team member, and I hope this is something I can take with me to university and any future workplaces.
We can now donate books to Arabic speaking countries in Africa
يدرك العالم جيدًا أن القارة الأفريقية لا تزال تواجه صعوبات في مجال التعليم ، وهو عامل مشترك في عدد كبير من المناطق في بداية التحول الديموغرافي أو السياسي أو الاقتصادي أو في خضمه. في إفريقيا ، ينعكس هذا الاتجاه بشكل خاص من خلال معدل الأمية المرتفع بشكل غير طبيعي مقارنة بالمتوسط العالمي ونوعية التعليم التي تترك الكثير مما هو مرغوب فيه.
Les pays Africains francophones peuvent désormais demander des dons de livres à Books2Africa
Le monde n’est pas sans savoir que le continent Africain souffre encore et toujours de difficultés en termes d’éducation, un facteur commun à un grand nombre de régions en début ou en pleine transition démographique, politique ou économique.